·· 2019
The precvious conference in 2019-2019 3rd International Conference on Traffic Engineering and Transportation System(ICTETS 2019), was hosted by Henan Polytechnic University, co-organized by Anhui University of Science & Technology, Xinxiang University, Henan University of Science and Technology, Henan University of Urban Construction, Henan Agricultural University, School of Energy Science and Engineering of Henan Polytechnic University and Traffic and Transportation Engineering Technology Research Centre of Henan Polytechnic University. ICTETS 2019 was successfully held in Jiaozuo, Henan, China during Sept. 20-22, 2019.
The news from Henan Polytechnic University: Academic News
Official website of ICTETS 2019: http://2019.ictets.org/
Group Photo
第三届交通工程与运输系统国际学术会议(ICTETS 2019) 由河南理工大学与AEIC学术交流中心联合主办,能源科学与工程学院、交通运输工程技术研究中心承办,安徽理工大学、新乡学院、河南科技大学、河南城建学院、河南农业大学协办,已于2019年9月20-22日在河南理工大学圆满落幕。
ICTETS 2019:官网。
·· 2018
ICTETS 2018 was successfully taken place on August 17-19, 2018 in Shenzhen, China!
All accepted papers were published by IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)(ISSN: 1757-8981) and have been indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec and DOAJ.
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